Ya, it was dream..started a couple of years ago..when I had the time I didn't have the cash or the backing...when I had the cash I was to busy being an upstanding citizen and working..Nothing really changed other than a whole bunch of things..I fell into place in a place I would have never expected..Two Rat Bastards is about to happen..
The idea came to be in the back of a dirty bike shop with the shovel on the lift, Saturday morning a couple of years back..can't remember what we were doing, changing or fixing..The bike craze was in full swing and the Fryed Rat was commenting on how rat bikes were a trend..hell I had been ratting for years but at the time we just called it a ride..never had any fear of doing touch up paint with a shaker can..then only to keep the rust to a minimum..It started out with the idea of building a few rat bikes for resale..some where along the line biker wear got tossed in..Now the bike trend is dead but we all still buy cool t shirts..So here we go..biker rags..
So one day a couple of months ago I met with a couple on something completely unrelated to bikes, bikers or anything of the sort..we hit it off and were talking about idea's one day..I brought up 2RB..and everyone liked the idea but after the meeting it faded away for a few days..a week or so later it came up again and we decided then to launch it..So for the last six weeks or so I been doing seven days a week, calling in favors and I will get to that later..finding a store front,,getting the other end of things moving..hey still going to need some cash flow..I know most Rat's like dumpster diving but this one prefers a steak at Cattlemen's any day..damn chocolate cake too..
So here we go with some much heart felt thanks..The Fryed Rat..we did it dude..one of these days I will unblock you so you can read the blog..J&K..for seeing it will work..for your trust and not trying to understand...it's a biker thing and it's growing on you..Tracie..many miles and the internet and cell phone..You hit the logo and the brand on the first shot..some dew rags, sun glasses, dangling smokes and tattoo's and we are off to the first print..the first tramp stamp off the press is yours..The Tattooed girl from Bikers Choice tanks for opening to door for us..Ari from Voss..Thanks Bro...MQ1..thanks for all you have done and did..a little strength shared can go along way..You rock girl..see ya in Sturgis..The readers and fellow biker bloggers who every day show the life style is alive and well..I hope one day we all meet and share our stories in person..