Bought me a 1980 FLH , found it though a friend who said it was sitting in a Garage unloved an gathering dust .
Brought it home an had its Jugs removed as the motor was slapping a little . Needed a 20thou overbore to sort that out . Then I commited the Cardinal Sin an stuck a EVO CV Carb on it . Tell yer what it makes a huge difference , bike runs way smoother than before . I love this bike lots an i've still got me other one aswell .
All i've done is the Rebore , fitted a rack , changed the bars as the originals made it a pain to park indoors an fitted the Carb . Next up is some diferent Exhausts an maybe a set of forwards . got a few hundrd more miles to do to finish running in the new Pistons an Rings but no rush it'll get done .
Love the Sound this Engine makes . happy as a pig in shit now i've finally got meself a Shovel .
Anyhow here's a Pic of me New ol Bike .