Clean, fix, wield, polish..polish and polish..That's right pimping out the old dog..
Me and paint been going in circles..Anti freeze green was the my direction..saw one with about the paint scheme I wanted..Orange as of right now..but I still got a little more work to go..Stripped it twice and don't want to do it again..
So I hope by the end of the week to be bolted back together..pic's up and ass in the wind..stay tuned..
As one who understands what a pain in the fuckin’ ass it is to get those boxes looking like that, I’d say your wrist should be pretty sore by now. The beast is looking good.
I was thinking it didn't take that long..well in retrospect it did..But working on it is almost as good as riding it somedays..
I’m glad you put ‘almost’ in there. You had me worried about your sanity for a second.
A few days ago, a total stranger told me: “That thing is about two steps away from a ‘rat bike’. I wonder if they know that they made my day? Looking forward to the finished pics.
Playing with paint..pearl yellow base coat with candy orange overlay..been awhile and a ton of frustration..could end up BBQ black shaker can on the next coat..stranger things happen..
Black rattle can? How’d you know what color my back fender is?
Too lazy to put that much elbow grease into it. But yours is looking good.
Let's see what the dog looks like when all the bolts get put back in place..LOL
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